Documentation for Credithive API


POST /search

This API returns a hit list for the requested search criteria. The desired hit must be selected manually from the hit list in the client application. An automatic utilisation (e.g. hit selection) for automatic identification or data extraction without cost-incurring product retrieval or product ordering is not permitted.

Field Type Length Key
apikey A M 50
searchtype A M 20 SETY
identificationnumber A 21
companyname A 90
street A 30
housenumber A 5
housenumberaffix A 10
postcode A 9
region A 50
city A 25
country A M 2 ISO 3166
legalform A 20 LEFO
website A 50
email A 50
registertype A 20 RETY
registerid A 18
vatid A 50


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apikey":"[YOUR API KEY]", "searchtype":"SETY-1", "companyname": "Test", "country":"DE"}'

        "apikey": "[YOUR API KEY]",
        "searchtype": "SETY-1",
        "companyname": "Test",
        "country": "DE"

Search Response

Field Type Length Key
hit.identificationnumber A 21
hit.easynumber A 50
hit.legalform TKSD LEFO
hit.status TKD PEST
hit.reportavailable B
hit.reportcompanyname B
hit.reportaddress B
hit.addressrange Tkey ADRG
hit.operationalstatus Tkey ONST
hit.additionalinformation B
morehits B


        "hit": [
                "identificationnumber": "03453452013714",
                "companyname": "Kundentestsystem GEWO mit Negativmerkmalen - BITTE NICHT ÄNDERN",
                "tradename": "KTO GEWO",
                "street": "Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Str.",
                "housenumber": "1",
                "housenumberaffix": "a",
                "postcode": "99423",
                "city": "Weimar",
                "country": {
                    "key": "DE",
                    "designation": "Germany"},
                "legalform": {
                    "key": "LEFO-DE-12",
                    "designation": "Registered cooperative society",
                    "shortdesignation": "eG"},
                "reportavailable": true,
                "reportcompanyname": true,
                "reportaddress": true,
                "operationalstatus": {
                    key: "ONST-1",
                    designation: "active"},
                "additionalinformation": true
        "morehits": true

TKSD Structure

Field Type
key A
designation A
shortdesignation A

TKD Structure

Field Type
key A
designation A

Product Availability Request

POST /product

This API call returns the availability per product type for the requested ident number in consideration of the rights granted to the requesting user account. on the basis of this information, the client application can decide which product shall be requested or if a research order shall be placed.

An automatic utilisation for automatic identification or data extraction without cost-incurring product retrieval or product ordering is not permitted.

Field Type Length Key
apikey A M 50
identificationnumber A M 21


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apikey":"[YOUR API KEY]", "identificationnumber":"03453452013714"}'

        "apikey": "[YOUR API KEY]",
        "identificationnumber": "03453452013714"

Product Availability Response

Field Type Length Key
identificationnumber A 21
easynumber A 50
All Elements of Structure companyaddressstructure
service.operation A 50
service.product.producttype TKSD PRTY A 50
service.product.parameters.parameter.use A 50
service.product.parameters.parameter.value A 50
service.product.parameters.parameter.key TKSD diverse A 50 A 50 A 50


        "identificationnumber": "03453452013714",
        "companyname": "Kundentestsystem GEWO mit Negativmerkmalen - BITTE NICHT ÄNDERN",
        "tradename": "KTO GEWO",
        "alias": "GEWO",
        "street": "Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Str.",
        "housenumber": "1",
        "housenumberaffix": "a",
        "postcode": "99423",
        "city": "Weimar",
        "country": {
            "key": "DE",
            "designation": "Germany"},
        "service": {
            "operation": "report",
            "product": [
                    producttype: {
                        "key": "PRTY-2",
                        "designation": "Commercial Report",
                        "shortdesignation": "Commercial Report"},
                    "parameters": {
                        "parameter": [
                                "name": "legitimateinterest",
                                "use: "required"
                                "key": [
                                        "key":  "LEIN-100",
                                        "designation": "Credit decision",
                                        "shortdesignation": "Credit decision"

Report Request

POST /report

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apikey":"[YOUR API KEY]", "customerreference": "my own reference","producttype":"PRTY-2","reportlanguage":"en","legitimateinterest": "LEIN-102", "identificationnumber":"03453452013714"}'

This API call returns the Creditreform report products. The retrieval of a product causes costs.

Field Type Length Key
apikey A M 50
identificationnumber A M 21
legitimateinterest A M 20 LEIN
reportlanguage A M 2 ISO 639.1
producttype A M 20 PRTY
customerreference A 32

Report Response

Field Type Length Key
referencenumber N
customerreference A 50
identificationnumber A 21
easynumber A 50
creationtime TS
producttype Tkey PRTY
reportlanguage A 2 ISO 639.1
deliverytype TKey DLTY
negativereport B (Negative Report Indicator) DLTY
provider A
providerid A
pdfdata A base64
reportdata.companyidentification Company Identification
reportdata.privatepersonidentification Person Identification
reportdata.statusreply Status Reply Information
reportdata.negativereport Negative Report Information
reportdata.requestdata Request Data
reportdata.taxdata Tax Data
reportdata.solvencyindex Solvency Index Information
reportdata.solvencyclass Solvency Class Information
reportdata.trafficlightsolvency Traffic Light Solvency
reportdata.solvencyremarks Additional Info. Solvency
reportdata.trafficlightpaymentmode Traffic Light Payment Mode
reportdata.legalform Legal Form Information Foundation Information
reportdata.register Register Information
reportdata.shareholdercapital Information on Capital Holders
reportdata.deputymanagement Information on Function Holders
reportdata.participationscompany Participations of Company
reportdata.participationsprivateperson Participations of Person
reportdata.participationparticipants Participations of Participants
reportdata.businesspurpose Business Purpose Information
reportdata.branch Branch Information
reportdata.staffcompany Staff Info. Main Company
reportdata.staffgroup Staff Info. Affiliated Group
reportdata.turnovercompany Turnover Info. Main Company
reportdata.turnovergroup Turnover Info. Affiliated Group
reportdata.certificates Certificates
reportdata.balancesheet Balance Sheets
reportdata.remarks Remarks
reportdata.banks Information on Banks
reportdata.enquirycounter Enquiry Counter
reportdata.businessdevelopment Business Development Information
reportdata.updatenote Update Note
reportdata.specificationofprofession Information on Profession
reportdata.ancillaryinformation Additional Information
reportdata.financialdata Financial Data
reportdata.businessarea Business Area Information
reportdata.realestates Information on Real Estates
reportdata.importexport Information on Import / Export
reportdata.paymentmode Payment Mode Information
reportdata.creditopinion Credit Opinion Information
reportdata.supplement Supplement Information
reportdata.negativefacts Information on Negative Facts
reportdata.announcement Announcement
reportdata.registerhistory Register History Information
reportdata.locations Locations
reportdata.profitslosses P&L Main Company
reportdata.financialstatusprivateperson Financial Status of a Persons
reportdata.formerlocations Former Locations
reportdata.affiliatedgroup Info. Affiliated Group
reportdata.balancesheetgroup Balance Sheet Affiliated Group
reportdata.profitslossesgroup P&L Affiliated Group
reportdata.solvencyindexhistory Solvency Index History
reportdata.solvencyfinanceindustry Solv. Eval. Fin. Ind.
reportdata.evaluationsfinanceindustry Add. Info. Solv. Eval. Fin. Ind.
reportdata.balancesolvency Balance Solvency
reportdata.financialstatementfigures Fin. Statem. Fig. Main Company
reportdata.financialstatementfiguresgroup Fin. Statem. Fig. Affiliated Group
reportdata.turnovercompanyrange Turnover Range Info. Main Company
reportdata.staffcompanyrange Staff Range Info. Main Company
reportdata.paymentbehaviour Payment Behaviour / DRD
reportdata.financialinformation Add. Financial Information
reportdata.riskjudgement Risk Judgement
reportdata.reporthints Report Delivery Hints
reportdata.balancesolvencystructured Balance Solvency
reportdata.balancesolvencydevelopmentstructured Development Balance Solvency
reportdata.balancekeyfiguresanalysisstructured Balancekeyfigures analysis
reportdata.balancesheetstructured Balance Sheet (structured)
reportdata.balancesheetliberationstructured Liberation Balance Sheet
reportdata.profitslossesstructured P and L
reportdata.financialstatementfiguresstructured Financialstatement figures
reportdata.balancesolvencygroupstructured Balancesolvency group
reportdata.balancesolvencydevelopmentgroupstructured Development Balancesolvency group
reportdata.balancekeyfiguresanalysisgroupstructured Balancekeyfigures analysis group
reportdata.balancesheetgroupstructured Balance Sheet group
reportdata.profitslossesgroupstructured P and L group
reportdata.financialstatementfiguresgroupstructured Financialstatement figures group
reportdata.legaldisclaimer Disclaimer

Offline order

POST /order

This API allows registration of offline order. Report when ready will be delivered outside of this API.

Field Type Length Key
apikey A M 50
identificationnumber A 21
vatid A 50
companyname A 90
street A 30
housenumber A 5
housenumberaffix A 10
postcode A 9
region A 50
city A 25
country A M 2 ISO 3166
legalform A 20 LEFO
registertype A 20 RETY
registerid A 18
vatid A 50
legitimateinterest A M 20 LEIN
reportlanguage A M 2 ISO 639.1
deliverytype A M 20 ORTY
producttype A M 20 PRTY - for Negative reports use code PRTY-6
customerreference A 32

POST /orders

Results in states of offline orders. Possible states are:

Field Type Length Key
apikey A M 50
fromid N Order id from which will order be listed. Maximum number of orders sent in a response is 1000

POST /orders/download

Downloads available report. If not found status is set to “not available”.

Report is sent as base64 encoded data in the “data” field.

Field Type Length Key
apikey A M 50
orderid N M Order id for which report should be downloaded. Order needs to have state ‘D’ - delivered. Otherwise report is not available